December Movie Madness

Welcome to the final edition of Movie Madness for the year. I have to once again give thanks to The Blue Teacup for inspiring this feature as it's become one of my favourites for capturing the films I see throughout the month. If you're participating, feel free to leave your link in the comments :)
The Best               The Worst  
What I Saw At The Cinema
What I Watched On DVD
What I Caught On TV 
  1. The "Brilliantly Funny" Award
    Bush Christmas. Even though this film isn't meant to be a comedy, I couldn't help but laugh at almost every scene. It's just so ridiculous, you can hardly imagine Nicole Kidman as ever looking or acting like she does in this film. Totally worth checking out, if you're able to track it down.
  2. Most Anticipated
    Pretty In Pink. I've been wanting to check this film out for awhile now especially after spotting it on an episode  of Gilmore Girls. It didn't exactly live up to what I was expecting but it was pretty cool to see my first 80s teen flick.
  3. Fave Actor
    Robert Pattinson - Remember Me
    . I know it's a totally predictable choice but Robert Pattinson actually showed off his acting chops for me in this film, I'm now keen to see what else he'll be getting up to after Twilight wraps.
  4. Most Memorable CharacterDavid Marks - All Good Things. Ryan Gosling plays such an incredibly creepy character in this film that I found it almost impossible to enjoy the movie at all. It was probably worth more ratings than I've given it but unfortunately my gut was too freaked to rate it any higher.

  5. Most Surprising
    November Christmas. When I flicked by this christmas movie the other day, I was pretty much just expecting to find a cheesy kid movie but really by the end of it, we were all sitting on the edge of our seats wondering whether this little girl would live past her childhood years.

  6. Most Disappointing

    Charlie St Cloud. Oh, Zac Efron. What a terribly predictable choice for your breakaway from the comedic teen flicks you're so known for. Could you have picked anything more bland/unbelievable... Let's hope 2012's Liberal Arts with Elizabeth Olsen is a little more inspiring.

  7. Most Worthy of a Rerun
    New Years Eve. I know a lot of people have been kicking up a stink about this film but I actually really enjoyed the mini- story-lines plus it was fun to play spot the celebrity as there are about 554 in this flick.

  8. Worst Ending
    Pretty In Pink. Sorry but I'm still a little peeved that Molly Ringwald picked the wrong guy in my opinion. Otherwise a totally enjoyable film.
  9. Best Movie Poster
    New Years Eve. I'm pretty sure with so many actors to mention, this poster could've turned out pretty ugly. Luckily, it's done really well :)
    Overall Best & Worst
    Remember Me. Okay so the ending may have been a bit of a cop out but truthfully, I didn't see it coming at all. I did, however really enjoy this movie and got totally invested in the characters within about five minutes and it wasn't just Robert Pattinson's good looks. 
    Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh. Really, I should've  known better than to attempt a christmas film based on a TV Show that I've never even seen before. Although it was cool to see Miranda Cosgrove in a role other than iCarly.
Q: What Movies Have You Seen Lately?

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